What is the best practice to structure the python application when installed to the system as a rpm/deb package? The app code is mostly written in Python, and there are some shell scripts, configuration files and log files.
I was thinking to have the structure as below.
bin/ /*Here would be few shell scripts I need*/ shell_script_1.sh shell_script_2.sh var/ log/ /* Log files */ app_name.log notifications/ /* notifications, generated by app, temporarily kept */ alert_1.tmp alert_2.tmp etc/ /*python package configuration*/ /*is it better to put this in package dir?*/ app_name.config app_name/ /*Python package, the main content*/ __init__.py app_name.py a.py b.py config_file_reader.py subpackage_1/ __init__.py c.py subpackage_2/ __init__.py d.py
You could put the config file in the home directory, many applications do this (eg bash, vim...)