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Phonegap build - Open external page in InAppBrowser or childbrowser with no toolbar and close it?

  1. I want to open an external page in the InAppBrowser or childbrowser, where I don't show any toolbar and where I can have a button in my externalpage that closes the browser and returns to the app from where I opened the browser. So how to close when you don ́t have a DONE button? I have seen that if I have var ref =, '_self', 'location=yes'); then it is possible to close the browser with ref.close(); but if I use that in the externalpage that I opened it doesn't work, it is not closing the browser?

  2. Is there any way to autorotate any of them if I have set the orientation to portrait in the config file? I know that you can autorotate the child browser if you do it manually, not through the build service. Or do I have to set the orientation to both?

  3. I have tested all different ways to open the ChildBrowser and the InAppBrowser and I cant really see any big difference between them? Can the InAppBrowser use native feature wile the ChildBrowser can't or?


  • OK, problem 1 to close is solved. This is what I use to open an external page in the InAppBrowser. From the page that I load in the InAppBrowser, I can close the InAppBrowser itself, returning to my app from where I opened the browser.

    Create a page on your server - closeInAppBrowser.html that is just an empty html page, it doesn´t do anything

    I open the browser with this:

    <a href="#" onclick="openInAppBrowserBlank('http://www.mypage.asp?userId=1');">open InAppBrowser</a>
    var ref = null;
    function openInAppBrowserBlank(url)
        try {
    ref =,'_blank','location=no'); //encode is needed if you want to send a variable with your link if not you can use ref =,'_blank','location=no');
             ref.addEventListener('loadstop', LoadStop);
             ref.addEventListener('exit', Close);
        catch (err)    
    function LoadStop(event) {
             if(event.url == ""){
                // alert("fun load stop runs");
    function Close(event) {
             ref.removeEventListener('loadstop', LoadStop);
             ref.removeEventListener('exit', Close);

    And to close the InAppBrowser from the page that I opened in the browser(http://www.mypage.asp) I have a button-link like this.

    <a href=""></a>

    I hope it helps somebody else!