I've recently built and launched this page: http://www.thaiestatenetwork.com
It works great in Chrome, Safari, Firefox and even IE10, but in IE8 and 9 all I get is a blank page.
I've read through post here on SO about similar issues and based on that I've tried this:
None of it works.
Strangely too, when I tunnel to my local dev machine through BrowserStack, everything works like a charm.
I should add that the site is built using router https://github.com/tmeasday/meteor-router and runs on Heroku using this build pack: https://github.com/oortcloud/heroku-buildpack-meteorite
I really hope someone out there has that fresh pair of eyes that will lead me on the right track.
I've solved it!
The issue turned out to be related to the way I was initializing Google Analytics (GA). I was doing this:
Template.menu.created = function() {
// GA initialization code here
I had to do this:
Template.menu.rendered = function() {
if ( typeof ga === 'undefined' ) {
// GA initialization code here
So basically I was attempting to initialise GA on first creation of my menu template, but instead I had to latch on to the rendered
callback and add a conditional to make sure I only initialise GA once.
Overall I am not thrilled with my approach to initialising GA, but that is another matter entirely. It works.