Currently I am creating a Javascript application. I am using AppJS for this.
I have some problems understanding the connection between the client and server.
The problem is the menubar and sockets combination.
io.sockets.on('connection', onSocketConnection)
function onSocketConnection(socket) {
socket.emit('onMessage', {
date: new Date(),
message: 'Welcome!'
var menubar = app.createMenu([{
action: function() {
// Simply window.reload() or windows.frame.reload()?
// Reload window
label:'Change something in view...',
action: function() {
// How to speak to client from here?
// I cannot use socket.emit()
}, {
action: function() {
But how to tell the client when the user clicked on the menubar items?
Another problem using sockets is asynchronous long loading functions.
io.sockets.on('connection', onSocketConnection)
function onSocketConnection(socket) {
var test = veryLongLoading()
console.log(test) // undefined -.-'
socket.emit('test', {
test: test
So I thought I need to use callbacks like this:
io.sockets.on('connection', onSocketConnection)
function onSocketConnection(socket) {
function veryLongLoadingFunction(next) {
// Blablabla
function returnValue(value) {
// Again socket is not available -.-'
socket.emit('test', {
test: test
Anyone faced the same problems or anyone who can point me into the right direction.
Maybe I just misunderstand the flow (I normaly program in PHP)
Problem 1
For the first part, you need to listen to events from the server:
socket.on('message-from-server', function(data) {
// You need to trigger the sub-menu change here.
// Which means you need a handle for the sub-menu object.
Problem 2
The pattern for long running async functions look like this:
var veryLongLoading = function(next) {
// pass your value to next
// like this
Then to use it, you would do this:
veryLongLoading(function(someValue) {
Hope that helps!