I have setup solrcloud cluster with 2 shard 2 replica configuration. But when I start my shard nodes and only one replica node for each shard, the shard leader nodes continuously prints a message: waiting until we see more replicas up,total 3 found 2 timeoutin 175000
, the wait time for other replicas to come up here is around 3 min.
My question is how to reduce this wait time, to speedup development ?
In solr.xml, add a cores attribute of leaderVoteWait=0. It defaults to 180000 (3 minutes).
This is simply to protect against starting the cluster with an old node - you don't want it to become the leader before other nodes get to participate in the election - so we wait until the known replicas are up to ensure they can participate in the election.
If you are careful to not start the cluster in a way that an out of data node comes up before up to date nodes, it's not necessary.