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How can I programmatically run an Xpand code generator from a Java class?

I am trying to achieve model driven development by defining a DSL and performing M2M as well as M2T (code generation). For the code generation I chose to work with XPand and template definitions. Could you provide sample code or link to documentation that explains how to invoke the template expansion from Java code?

P.S. I find it very hard to run such things in standalone mode outside of Eclipse so I started by writing simple Java utilities.


  • Here is the code for anyone interested:

        Resource.Factory.Registry reg = Resource.Factory.Registry.INSTANCE;
        Map<String, Object> factoryMap = reg.getExtensionToFactoryMap();
        factoryMap.put(Resource.Factory.Registry.DEFAULT_EXTENSION, new XMIResourceFactoryImpl());
        ResourceSet resourceSet = new ResourceSetImpl();
        EPackage PSM_Pkg = MyDSLPackage.eINSTANCE;
        resourceSet.getPackageRegistry().put(PSM_Pkg.getNsURI(), PSM_Pkg);
        Resource resource = resourceSet.getResource(Constants.PSM_URI, true);
        EList<EObject> inObjects = resource.getContents();
        // Xpand
        URI outURI = URI.createURI("file:///C:/Users/...");
        Output out = new OutputImpl();
        Outlet outlet = new Outlet(outURI.toFileString());
        XpandExecutionContextImpl executionContext = new XpandExecutionContextImpl(out, null);
        // Configure the metamodels
        EmfMetaModel emfMetaModel = new EmfMetaModel();
        XpandFacade xpandFacade = XpandFacade.create(executionContext);
        Object[] params = null;
        xpandFacade.evaluate("template::Template::main", inObjects.get(0), params);
        System.out.println("Code generated.");