I'm following this snippet for adding Sunspot Solr in Capistrano https://gist.github.com/doitian/1795439 and it works, but when I run cap solr:reindex it shows a question (as expected) asking if I want to drop all indexes, so I answer with "yes" but the terminal seems to be waiting for a response.
This is the code for the reindex:
desc "reindex the whole database"
task :reindex, :roles => :app do
run "rm -rf #{shared_path}/solr/data"
run "cd #{current_path} && #{rake} RAILS_ENV=#{rails_env} sunspot:solr:reindex"
This is the message:
* executing "cd /home/user/rapps/app/current && bundle exec rake RAILS_ENV=production sunspot:solr:reindex"
servers: [""]
[] executing command
** [out ::] *Note: the reindex task will remove your current indexes and start from scratch.
** [out ::] If you have a large dataset, reindexing can take a very long time, possibly weeks.
** [out ::] This is not encouraged if you have anywhere near or over 1 million rows.
** [out ::] Are you sure you want to drop your indexes and completely reindex? (y/n)
How can avoid that message? Also, I will like to run this rake with Cron so how could I previously give the answer or set a default configuration? And what is the best/efficient way to reindex?
Thanks in advance.
After looking at the sunspot_rails source, there currently is no way to force your way past this message. See the rake task code defined here
There has been a pull request submitted (a month ago) (Pull request here) for the rake task to support a silent option, but it has not been merged yet.
I would either: