how can i duplicate magento extensions and install them? I need to duplicate or rename in order to use them for my check out payment issue. the payment filter extensions enables to use payments for different products. In my websites there are alot of seller. So i need to duplicate the bKash extension for my payment gateway. As it only depends only external mobile no. payment.
In fine tell me how to duplicate an extension and install them.
thanks in advance
find . -type f | xargs sed -i "s/Bkash/Bkash2/g"
find . -type f | xargs sed -i "s/bkash/bkash2/g"
mv ./app/design/frontend/base/default/template/Bkash ./app/design/frontend/base/default/template/Bkash2
mv ./app/code/local/Mediasoftbd/Bkash ./app/code/local/Mediasoftbd/Bkash2
mv ./app/etc/modules/Mediasoftbd_Bkash.xml ./app/etc/modules/Mediasoftbd_Bkash2.xml
mv ./media/bkash ./media/bkash2
mv ./app/design/frontend/base/default/template/Bkash2/bkash_instruction.phtml ./app/design/frontend/base/default/template/Bkash2/bkash2_instruction.phtml
mv ./media/bkash2/bkashlogo.jpg ./media/bkash2/bkash2logo.jpg
mv ./media/bkash2/bkash-send-money.jpg ./media/bkash2/bkash2-send-money.jpg
something like that should work, after that the new module should appear under system>configuration>advanced, and new configurations should be available under system>configuration>sales>payment methods