I frequently use the Show Smart Tag shortcut in Visual Studio 2010 (Ctrl + Period) when I want to generate using statements, implement interface methods, generate classes, etc.
I recently introduced this shortcut to my co-workers, and they love it.
Obviously, there is a host of contextual uses for this shortcut, and I feel like I've yet to find them all. Is there a central list of all the smart tags that come built-in with Visual Studio 2010? Or, is there a way for me to actually look at a list of smart tags that Visual Studio 2010 has loaded?
Thanks, Tedderz
There is nothing in the Visual Studio UI which will display the set of possible smart tags. You listed MEF in your tags though. If you are working with a MEF compontent it's very easy to query for this information at runtime. Simple import all uses of ISmartTagSourceProvider
and query for the Name
public List<ISmartTagSourceProvider> SmartTagProviders;
void GetNames()
foreach (var provider in SmartTagProviders) {
var attrib = (NameAttribute)provider.GetType().GetAttribute(typeof(NameAttribute));