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Haskell Bubble Sort on a three part Tuple

I am trying to implement bubble sort to sort my list by priority. For example, the list is of the following format with the 3rd element being priority:

  [("Ted", 100, 3), ("Boris", 100, 1), ("Sam", 100, 2)]

I have tried the standard bubble sort method below, however this did not work. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

bubbleSort :: (Ord t) => [t] -> [t]
bubbleSort a = loop (length a) bubble a

bubble :: (Ord t) => [t] -> [t] 
bubble (a:b:c) | a < b = a : bubble (b:c)
           | otherwise = b : bubble (a:c)
bubble (a:[]) = [a] 
bubble [] = []

loop :: (Num a, Ord a) => a -> (t -> t) -> t -> t
loop num f x | num > 0 =  loop (num-1) f x'
         | otherwise = x
         where x' = f x


  • As hinted by luqui, it is normal to implement not the Ord constrained version of a sorting algorithm directly, but a more general one that uses a custom comparison:

    bubbleSortBy :: (t->t->Ordering) -> [t] -> [t]
    bubbleSortBy cmp a = loop (length a) bubble a
           bubble :: (Ord t) => [t] -> [t] 
           bubble (a:b:c) = case cmp a b of
                              LT -> a : bubble (b:c)
                              _  -> b : bubble (a:c)
           bubble l = l
    loop :: Integral a    -- (Num, Ord) is a bit /too/ general here, though it works.
       => a -> (t -> t) -> t -> t
    loop num f x | num > 0    = loop (num-1) f x'
                 | otherwise  = x
             where x' = f x

    the Ord version follows trivially from this:

    bubbleSort :: (Ord t) -> [t] -> [t]
    bubbleSort = bubbleSortBy compare

    but often is more practical to use general version directly, like in your case

    import Data.Function(on)
    sorted_priority3rd = bubbleSortBy ( compare `on` \(a,b,c) -> (c,a,b) )

    What this does is, it changes the order of arguments before each comparison. Obviously, this makes the bubble sort even slower; normally you'd rather do

    import Data.List (sortBy)   -- this is a proper 𝑂(𝑛 log 𝑛) sorting algorithm
    sorted_by3rd = sortBy ( compare `on` \(a,b,c) -> c )

    and care about the finer order later.