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hg clone fails after adding subrepos

I have a problem with my mercurial main repo. My colleague created a bunch of subrepositories for dependancies, and since then, I can't update my local repo. I decided to try a checkout in an empty directory but I have the same error :

hg clone
http authorization required
realm: HTTP
user: user
destination directory: repo
requesting all changes
adding changesets
adding manifests
adding file changes
added 1116 changesets with 12636 changes to 2410 files
updating to branch default
cloning subrepo deps/gtest from
abort: Le fichier spÚcifiÚ est introuvable

"Le fichier spÚcifiÚ est introuvable" means "The specified file cannot be found", but the message is in french so it must come from Windows, because if it came from hg it would be in english

Here is what I have when using the --debug option

updating: .hgignore 1/1274 files (0.08%)
getting .hgignore
updating: .hgsub 2/1274 files (0.16%)
getting .hgsub
updating: .hgsubstate 3/1274 files (0.24%)
getting .hgsubstate
subrepo merge 000000000000+ 4d1310a16bfd 000000000000+
  subrepo deps/gtest: remote added, get
cloning subrepo deps/gtest from
deps/gtest: git clone C:\Users\Bob\Documents\Newdir\repo\deps/gtest
abort: Le fichier spÚcifiÚ est introuvable

Does anyone has an idea of what going on ?


  • Indeed, the problem was that hg couldn't find git. I just realized that git wasn't on my PATH, so I fixed that and everything worked.

    The solution was easy but the error message wasn't clear.