I am having some trouble with a LINQ to dataset query. I have the problem that data is returned to the dataset as a double and could be null. When I get the data into my LINQ query it truncates to one decimal place. I am wondering if anyone can tell me the best way to set the precision so that it retains two decimal places? I have tried using 'Double?' but when I do this I get an invalid cast exception. Here is a sample of my L2D query:
Dim query = _
From bb In bbdata.AsEnumerable(), _
ab In abdata.AsEnumerable() _
Where (bb.Field(Of String)("bbID").ToUpper.Trim() = _
ab.Field(Of String)("abID").ToUpper.Trim()) _
Order By _
bb.Field(Of String)("Sequence") Descending, _
bb.Field(Of String)("Name") Ascending, _
bb.Field(Of String)("bbID").ToUpper.Trim() Ascending, _
ab.Field(Of Decimal?)("TWO_DECIMAL_DIGIT_DOUBLE") Descending _
Select New With _
{ _
.bbID = bb.Field(Of String)("bbID"), _
.Weight = ab.Field(Of Decimal?)("TWO_DECIMAL_DIGIT_DOUBLE"), _
.Sequence = bb.Field(Of String)("Sequence"), _
.Name = bb.Field(Of String)("Name"), _
When I run this, the Double is truncated to one decimal and needs to be of precision where there are 2 decimal places. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Maybe it's because the Weight property rounds the value with a precision of one decimal place? I don't know what else could cause this behavior...