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String manipulation in matrices: a dimensional issue

I'm trying to define a function manipulating matrices of strings in R.


The {+,*}-product of two square matrices A and B of dimension n is a matrix C defined by the elements: Ci,j = Sumk=1,...,nAi,k * Bk,j.

For example, consider the matrix M <- matrix(c(a,b,0,0,c,d,0,0,e),3,3). Then M times M is M <- matrix(c(a^2,a*b+b*c,b*d,0,c^2,c*d+d*e,0,0,e^2),3,3).


The rule of this operation I would like to implement are the same of the previous stated multiplication with the essential mutation that the sum should be a concatenation and the product should be a paste. In other words, where in the previous formula we found a+b, now the output should be "c(a,b)", and when we found a*b, now we should read this as paste0(a,b).

Some of the usual properties have to be respescted, namely the distributive properties and the 0 element properties. Hence, if a <- c("q",0,"w") and b <- c("e") then a*b <- c("qe",0,"we") (and we should freely forget the 0 element, dropping it as it won't affect the computation.

Moreover, we are multiplying equaldimensioned matrices, hence each element Ci,j = Sumk=1,...,nAi,k * Bk,j is now to be read as c("A[i,1]B[1,j]",...,"A[i,n]B[n,j]").

For semplicity sakeness, let's consider B always a simple matrix, meaning that each of its elements are atomic string, and not concatenation of string (the generalization is a subsequent step).

Let's give an example. Let A <- matrix(c("a","b",0,0,"c","d",0,0,"e"),3,3), then mult(A,A) = matrix(c("aa",c("ab","bc"),"bd",0,"cc",c("cd","de"),0,0,"ee"),3,3) and mult(mult(A,A),A) = matrix(c("aaa",c("aab","abc","bcc"),c("abd","bcd","bde"),0,"ccc",c("ccd","cde","dee"),0,0,"eee"),3,3).


Consider as input a couple of nxn matrices M , N with whether 0 or array of strings c(s1,s2,...) as i,j elements. As output I would like to have a matrix MN = M x N where the multiplication is defined in analogy with the symbolic multiplication:

MNi,j = 0 if Mi,. or N.,j is 0
MNi,j = paste(Mi,.,N.,j) otherwise (using the distributive property of paste())

I gave a (wrong, does not check properly the zeros) definition of the base row/column paste function as

MijPaste <- function(Row,Col){
    Mij <- 0
  } else if(Row[1]=="0"){
      Mij <- 0
    } else
      Mij <- paste(Row,Col,sep="")

I've not been able to go from this step to a proper definition of the multiplication function, as the element Mij that I would like to insert inside the matrix are not of the right dimension. And hence I get a number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length error. My current implementation is:

# define the dimension of the matrix, here for example 3
dim <- 3
# define the Multiplication function as an iteration of the MijPaste function
Mult <- function(M1,M2){
    #allocate a matrix of dimension nxn
    M <-  matrix(0,dim,dim)
    #for each element i,j define it as the MijPaste of row i column j
      for(i in 1:dim){
      for(j in 1:dim){
        stringi <- M1[i,]
        stringj <- M2[,j]
        M[i,j] <- MijPaste(stringi,stringj)

The code doesn't work. I could probably change the matrix into a multidimensional array, but I would like the output to be usable as a matrix for further multiplication (for example to defin (MxN)xC).

How can I do?

Thank you!

P.S. You can test the code using a simple example matrix

Matr <- matrix(c("11","12","13","21","22","23","31","32","33"),dim,dim)

and running



  • You can use paste directly with the matrices, if you set the dimensions manually:

    MN <- matrix(paste(M, N, sep=""), nrow=nrow(M), ncol=ncol(M))

    Now filter the zeros and replace:

    MN[(M==0) | (N==0)] <- 0

    EDIT: the pointwise product shown above is NOT what the OP wants.

    As I said in the comment, you can fix your function adding collapse="" to your first function. I get the following results:

    > M <- matrix(LETTERS[1:9],3,3)
    > N <- matrix(LETTERS[10:18],3,3)
    > M
         [,1] [,2] [,3]
    [1,] "A"  "D"  "G" 
    [2,] "B"  "E"  "H" 
    [3,] "C"  "F"  "I" 
    > N
         [,1] [,2] [,3]
    [1,] "J"  "M"  "P" 
    [2,] "K"  "N"  "Q" 
    [3,] "L"  "O"  "R" 
    > Mult(M,N)
         [,1]     [,2]     [,3]    

    As you can see, your function matches the elements in matrices M and N before pasting.

    If you want to keep the elements of each matrix together, you can use these two lines:

    > coll <- function(x)paste(x,collapse="")
    > outer(apply(M,1,coll),apply(N,2,coll),paste0)
         [,1]     [,2]     [,3]    

    Of course, you have to insert the zeros manually after this.