I have searched for this everywhere so I hope it has not already been asked, but I have a batch file where the user can write his / her own 'scripts' if you will. When the batch file is ran for the first time it will make a directory under %appdata%\Mellow\Mango\scripts and these scripts will simply be .txt files. Anyway...
I am trying to list the 'scripts' to the user by using dir /b /s *.txt
and the output is C:\Users\Tate\AppData\Roaming\Mellow\Mango\scripts\template.txt
My question is, sorry if I got off-topic before, how to display only template.txt and not the full file path. I simply would like to list all .txt files contained in the scripts folder. Thanks in advanced!
Current Output:
Desired Output:
Simply remove the /s
dir /b *.txt
That should do it :)