I have recently been using the Lavaan
package in R for Structural Equations Modeling and use the semPlot
package, which seems to piggyback off of qgraph
, in generating path diagrams.
I have found that qgraph
has support for plotting images (such as jpeg and png) as nodes.
My question is whether it is possible, and if so how, to graph a different image for each node in a path diagram. I would love to be able to use pictures of my study's items to fill in for the manifest variables on my path diagram. Thanks!
and thank you for checking out semPlot (which is still in a very developmental state). You can certainly do this. Indeed semPlot piggybacks off qgraph, in fact it is basically a frontend to qgraph and returns a qgraph object. You can send arguments to qgraph or plot the result again with different arguments. For example:
# Example 5.8 from mplus user guide:
Data <- read.table("http://www.statmodel.com/usersguide/chap5/ex5.8.dat")
names(Data) <- c(paste("y", 1:6, sep=""),
paste("x", 1:3, sep=""))
# Model:
model.Lavaan <- 'f1 =~ y1 + y2 + y3
f2 =~ y4 + y5 + y6
f1 + f2 ~ x1 + x2 + x3 '
# Run Lavaan:
fit <- lavaan:::cfa(model.Lavaan, data=Data, std.lv=TRUE)
# Download R logo:
download.file("http://cran.r-project.org/Rlogo.jpg", file <- tempfile(fileext = ".jpg"),
mode = "wb")
# Plot path diagram and store qgraph object:
Graph <- semPaths(fit,title=FALSE, curvePivot = TRUE)
# plot qgraph again with images:
qgraph(Graph, images = file, labels = FALSE)
If you want to use a different image per node, you can give images a vector contaning the file names of the images for each node in the order of the nodes. To find out the node order you can do:
# To see which nodes are which: