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github push origin

I have some trouble pushing some changes to a branch on GitHub. I am quite new to Git and I am sure either I made something silly or I missed seomthing obvious, but I can't see what.

I made a fresh clone of one of my repos (actually a fork on GitHub), then switch to an existing branch, made some changes, and committed them. All I want is to push them back to GitHub. But "git push" says "Everything up-to-date", even though "git status" says that my local branch is ahead of the origin's branch by one commit:

> git checkout -b mystuff origin/newstuff
Switched to a new branch 'mystuff'

> echo "Make some changes..." >> file.txt

> git commit -m "Change." file.txt

> git status
# On branch mystuff
# Your branch is ahead of 'origin/newstuff' by 1 commit.
nothing to commit (working directory clean)

> git push
Everything up-to-date

Any idea what I missed?


  • git push origin mystuff

    Just git push will push on the default branch, which is usually set as master.

    Extra tip: the -u option for git push will set a new default branch, so if you run

    git push -u origin mystuff

    you can subsequently just do git push and push on mystuff without specifying the branch anymore.