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Will OpenGL ES perform better than CoreAnimation for animating a hundred layers?

I have an object, which consists of a CATransformLayer with two CAKeyframeAnimated sublayers. With only 10 instances of this object added to the view's layer, the fps is really dropping to a ~ 10/15 fps. I don't know exactly how much but it's not looking good. This make only 20 animations. The position of the object is not keyframed.

I'm running this on an iPad Mini.

Is this aleady too much for an iPad Mini, or could I get better results using OpenGL ES ?


  • I'd recommend using Cocos2d for a fairly complex scene. There are some great tutorials on the net. Ray has always had some great tuts on the subject and it's where I first learned cocos2d. It's not as complicated as it may seem. Plus, adding physics is a breeze due to the massive community support. (