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zClip - ZeroClipboard.swf deleted - Need new file

I'm using zClip on my website to copy several things in textboxes, I got everything working just fine but now, without changing anything, it stopped working.

The reason is that the host of the file ZeroClipboard.swf have deleted the file or for some reason made inaccessible.

I have an other version(?) of the ZeroClipboard.swf on my computer from another script and I tried replacing the deleted link with a new link of the other version(?) I found on my computer. But it doesn't work, the flash movie loads but I can't click my button and copy the content. When I'm using the old link that doesn't work anymore it says "Movie hasn't loaded yet". It can't load because the file is inaccessible.

So because with the new link the movie loads but doesn't work, I'm sure it's another version not compatible with my script.

Now to my question: Do any of you have the version of ZeroClipboard.swf that was hosted on the site? If, could you possibly upload it somewhere for me to download, I'd really appreciate it.



  • I was searching for ZeroClipboard.swf today, and I got the same problem.

    Looking around, I found a tutorial about it here. You can see there's a hosted version of ZeroClipboard.swf, here is the url:

    I tried this version and it works like a charm. Now, I highly recommend you to host your proper version of this file, to avoid this kind of problem later.