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PhpStorm - Export files changed between two commits under Git

Is the opportunity in PhpStorm to export changed files between two commits under Git? Now I'm using Git console command and tarring changed files into archive at once.

tar -czvf %FILE_NAME%.tar $(git diff --diff-filter=[ACMRT] --name-only %COMMIT_HASH_0% %COMMIT_HASH_1%)

P.S. I'm using PhpStorm 6. Thanks in advance.


  • There is no such feature in PhpStorm; the closest thing that is there is the possibility to save each commit as a patch (Changes toolwindow, Log tab, right-click a commit, select "Create Patch...")

    The Git command line is so flexible that there is no way for any tool vendor to provide a GUI for all the operations that are possible through the command line.