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Strings not rendered in CL-WHO template

(require :cl-who)
(defmacro rawpage ((&rest head) &body body)
  `(cl-who:with-html-output-to-string (*standard-output* nil :prologue t)
      (:meta :charset "utf-8")

(defmacro str+ (&rest strs)
  `(concatenate 'string ,@strs))

(rawpage () (:div (str+ "hello," "name")))

This piece of codes does not output what I want. I expected it output:

<html><head><meta charset='utf-8' /></head><body><div>hello,name</div></body></html>

But, it output:

<html><head><meta charset='utf-8' /></head><body><div></div></body></html>

Anyone could tell me why? I'm using SBCL.


  • Your problem is that in CL-WHO non-constant strings should be placed inside str like this:

    (defmacro rawpage ()
      (:div (str (str+ "hello," "name"))))