I started to work in an App that needs to be optimized for iPhone 5 and requires iOS 5.x or later.
But the scenario where the user has and iPhone 4 with iOS 5.x is possible. But the Autolayout will be a problem on those cases...
So, I could use Autolayout for iPhone 5,but the users with iOS 5.x(iPhone 4 or below) will have problems, so in order to avoid that, should I have two nib's one for give support to the iPhone 5 screen and another iPhone 4? (And that sounds very ugly to me).
Having something like this...
if(IPHONE5){ //Load iPhone 5 nib with AutoLayout or without it }else{ //Load iPhone 4 or below }
In any case, is there a better option to give support to both screens but with different iOS versions? suggestion on this?
Since now thanks
This is something that I had been wondering about myself. However, I stumbled upon a webpage: "Drop iOS 5: Only support iOS 6" that explains that such scenarios if possible, should be avoided.
Doing development for older OS's might seem reasonable, however...
as a result:
My advise: drop iOS-5