Hi all,
I'm using (trying at the moment) ACRA for bug-reporting. Scenario is:
ACRA is enabled for mypackage, intializing...
I have the following Annotation in front of my Application subclass:
@ReportsCrashes(formKey = "iwontshowyoumyformkey", customReportContent = {
mode = ReportingInteractionMode.DIALOG,
resToastText = R.string.acra_toast_text,
resDialogText = R.string.acra_dialog_text,
resDialogTitle = R.string.acra_dialog_title,
resDialogCommentPrompt = R.string.acra_dialog_comment_prompt,
resDialogOkToast = R.string.acra_dialog_ok_toast,
A notable detail is that the error occurs again and again, according to the Logcat.
This made me think that the activity is restarted all the time, and the error is in onCreate...
But the fact that the tag is ACRA made me unsure if it isnt ACRA, reoutputting the error.
Problem: The app should be crashed and closed so that the dialog can appear, but isn't.
Question: How would I go about debugging/solving this? A solution would be even better...
Thank you in advance, Till
It's not solved, but I decided to not spend any more time on it, and abandon ACRA.
Crittercism has proven to be quite painless.