Just you know, I'm just starting with iOs and Objective-C (3days).
I'm currently making a 3D object viewer. I want to be able to load a file and display it into a view. Then the user can rotates and zooms on it.
I have first build it with ninevehGL, but it appears that It doesn't support heavy files (>10M) so well. I'm now trying to go for Cocos3D.
After i installed everything I have created a xcode project using the cocos3D 2.0 template.
This template should display (i guess) a 3D text "hello world".
But it doesn't even compile throwing me the following:
-(void) updateBounds: (CGRect) bounds withDeviceOrientation: (ccDeviceOrientation) deviceOrientation;
<---- expected as a type
It appears that (ccDeviceOrientation)
is not recognized as a type.
Would you help me with this ?
I have the project on gitHub here under the folder COCOS3D
Also I'm using the followings version of cocos
cocos2D: 2.0.0 8-Jul-2012
cocos3D: cocos3d 0.7.0
I have, at the same time, posted my question on cocos2D forum, Bill Hollings has been kind enough the quickly reply, and pointed me that the versions of cocos2D and cocos3D i use can't work together.
Here is the explanation and what to do.