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ColdFusion - DateTime Format with GMT offset

I am using ColdFusion 10 to make some REST calls and the date returned is using a GMT offset.

Example: 2013-03-25T14:30:40-04:00

I need this formatted for 2 purposes:

  1. Screen Display so it looks something like mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss
  2. To Insert into mySQL.

I have tried a variety of the CF time/date functions but continue to get the "is not a valid date format"

I thought maybe the #ParseDateTime(i.submitted_at,"pop")# would handle it with POP but same issue.

Spent a few hours now trying multiple variations and googling around now just going in circles. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.



  • Have a look at the UDF DateConvertISO8601() on CFLib.

    DateConvertISO8601(ISO8601dateString, targetZoneOffset) on CFLib

    This function take a string that holds a date in ISO 8601 and converts it to ODBC datetime, but could be adapted to convert to whatever you like. It also will convert to a datetime in a timezone of your choice by specifying the offset, i.e. it could take a datetime in GMT and convert to PT. See for description of ISO 8601, the International Standard for the representation of dates and times.

    Return Values:
    Returns a datetime.

    The source code is viewable at the link I provided.