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Capifony cache error when deploying to development server

I'm trying to deploy my Symfony2 application to my development server which is hosted externally, using capifony, however I'm getting the following error:

--> Updating code base with remote_cache strategy
--> Creating cache directory................................✔
--> Creating symlinks for shared directories................✔
--> Creating symlinks for shared files......................✔
--> Copying Composer from previous release..................✔
--> Updating Composer.......................................✔
--> Updating Composer dependencies..........................✔
--> Building bootstrap file.................................✔
--> Dumping an optimized autoloader.........................✔
--> Installing bundle's assets..............................✔
--> Warming up cache........................................✔
--> Dumping all assets to the filesystem....................✘
*** [err ::] PHP Fatal error:  Class 'Ivory\GoogleMap\Templating\Helper\Base\CoordinateHelper' not found in /var/www/ on line 462

Am I missing something from my deployment script? Here is my deploy.rb file:

set :stage_dir, 'app/config/deploy' # needed for Symfony2 only
set :stages, %w(production staging development)
require 'capistrano/ext/multistage'

set :application,           ""
set :user,                  "root"  # The server's user for deploys

set :normalize_asset_timestamps, false

set :repository,            ""
set :scm,                   :git
set :keep_releases,         3
set :use_sudo,              false
set :shared_files,          ["app/config/parameters.yml"]
set :web_path,              "web"
set :shared_children,       [app_path + "/logs", app_path + "/cache", web_path + "/uploads", "vendor"]
set :use_composer,          true
set :update_vendors,        true
set :dump_assetic_assets,   true
set :deploy_via,            :remote_cache

#logger.level = Logger::MAX_LEVEL

And here is my development.rb file:

server '', :app, :web, :db, :primary => true
ssh_options[:port] = xxxx
ssh_options[:forward_agent] = true
set :deploy_to, "/var/www/"
set :symfony_env_prod, "dev"
set :branch, "develop"

# Need to clear *_dev controllers
set :clear_controllers,     false


  • You should not share app/cache between releases. Keep it like this:

    set :shared_files,        ["app/config/parameters.yml"]
    set :shared_children,     [app_path + "/logs", web_path + "/uploads"]