I'm new to Linq and Visual web developer 2008 Express. I have read some posts here and Scott Guthrie's on setting up Linq, but I'm a little stuck because the classes aren't auto-generating as I thought they would. I have setup a database with a simple table (with the Primary Key as the ID, and it is set to auto-increment) plus a few other columns, and dragged and dropped it on to the DBML Linq designer pane. The table appears in the window, but no classes are auto-generated. When I right click on the table and select "View Code", DataClasses.cs
is displayed, but I only see a partial class with no methods or properties.
Isn't Linq supposed to do this, or have I (quite likely) missed the point completely? Or is this functionality not available in Visual Web Developer 2008 Express?
No, you're not missing anything. That is exactly how it should work. Go to solution explorer, expand the dbml, and double-click on whatever.designer.cs. Down at the bottom, you'll see ...
public partial class YourTable: INotifyPropertyChanging, INotifyPropertyChanged
private static PropertyChangingEventArgs emptyChangingEventArgs = new PropertyChangingEventArgs(String.Empty);
... and all of your properties.