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concatenate more than 4 string in loop at "match" on SIFT via bash

a moment ago, i looked up SIFT algorithm to process my images..

if you ever using SIFT from there is an executable file named "match" to get correlation of one to another images..

this is the example..

./match -im1 book.pgm -k1 book.key -im2 scene.pgm -k2 scene.key > out.pgm


i realized that i need to speed up my process using bash script.. to correlate more than two images even if the default "match" only accepted 2 images and 2 keys related on that images.. then..

this is my code..

i = 1 
s = ""

for item in *.key
    s += "-im$((i)) ${item%.*}.pgm -k$((i++)) $item"

./match s > out.pgm

And now the scenario,

based on my code,

if I used echo in line 6

echo "-im$((i)) ${item%.*}.pgm -k$((i++)) $item"

and commented the last line

#! ./match s > out.pgm

then I got the list that I wanted..


if I exactly run my code {based on the answers which I commented} there is a problem that faced in my terminal window

Error: Invalid command line argument: -im3

are there can help me please?? ^^

i am so sorry if my English bad..


  • after I check the "match" code in file match.c in line 32 until 52

    /* Parse command line arguments and read given files.  The command
       line must specify two input images and two files of keypoints
       using command line arguments as follows:
          match -im1 i1.pgm -k1 k1.key -im2 i2.pgm -k2 k2.key > result.v
    while (++arg < argc) {
      if (! strcmp(argv[arg], "-im1")) 
    im1 = ReadPGMFile(argv[++arg]);
      else if (! strcmp(argv[arg], "-im2")) 
    im2 = ReadPGMFile(argv[++arg]);
      else if (! strcmp(argv[arg], "-k1"))
    k1 = ReadKeyFile(argv[++arg]);
      else if (! strcmp(argv[arg], "-k2"))
    k2 = ReadKeyFile(argv[++arg]);
    FatalError("Invalid command line argument: %s", argv[arg]);
    if (im1 == NULL || im2 == NULL || k1 == NULL || k2 == NULL)
      FatalError("Command line does not specify all images and keys.");
    FindMatches(im1, k1, im2, k2);


    I should add some variables in that codes or use a collection to complemented all variables.. cause my real codes is in Java.. (^^)9

    anyway.. thanks for the answer at bash script.. all of the answer is usefull.. (^^)v