a moment ago, i looked up SIFT algorithm to process my images..
if you ever using SIFT from http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~lowe/keypoints/ there is an executable file named "match" to get correlation of one to another images..
this is the example..
./match -im1 book.pgm -k1 book.key -im2 scene.pgm -k2 scene.key > out.pgm
i realized that i need to speed up my process using bash script.. to correlate more than two images even if the default "match" only accepted 2 images and 2 keys related on that images.. then..
this is my code..
i = 1
s = ""
for item in *.key
s += "-im$((i)) ${item%.*}.pgm -k$((i++)) $item"
./match s > out.pgm
And now the scenario,
based on my code,
if I used echo in line 6
echo "-im$((i)) ${item%.*}.pgm -k$((i++)) $item"
and commented the last line
#! ./match s > out.pgm
then I got the list that I wanted..
if I exactly run my code {based on the answers which I commented} there is a problem that faced in my terminal window
Error: Invalid command line argument: -im3
are there can help me please?? ^^
i am so sorry if my English bad..
after I check the "match" code in file match.c in line 32 until 52
/* Parse command line arguments and read given files. The command line must specify two input images and two files of keypoints using command line arguments as follows: match -im1 i1.pgm -k1 k1.key -im2 i2.pgm -k2 k2.key > result.v */ while (++arg < argc) { if (! strcmp(argv[arg], "-im1")) im1 = ReadPGMFile(argv[++arg]); else if (! strcmp(argv[arg], "-im2")) im2 = ReadPGMFile(argv[++arg]); else if (! strcmp(argv[arg], "-k1")) k1 = ReadKeyFile(argv[++arg]); else if (! strcmp(argv[arg], "-k2")) k2 = ReadKeyFile(argv[++arg]); else FatalError("Invalid command line argument: %s", argv[arg]); } if (im1 == NULL || im2 == NULL || k1 == NULL || k2 == NULL) FatalError("Command line does not specify all images and keys."); FindMatches(im1, k1, im2, k2); exit(0);
at http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~lowe/keypoints/siftDemoV4.zip
I should add some variables in that codes or use a collection to complemented all variables.. cause my real codes is in Java.. (^^)9
anyway.. thanks for the answer at bash script.. all of the answer is usefull.. (^^)v