I have done the rake override for _header, _menu, and _menu_branch.html.erb files. What I would like to do is modify the markup of the menus so that an icon is shown next to the title.
I think the file I want is menu.html.erb, below:
<%= render :partial => '/refinery/menu_branch', :collection => roots,
:locals => {
:hide_children => hide_children,
:sibling_count => (roots.length - 1),
:menu_levels => local_assigns[:menu_levels],
:apply_css => true #if you don't care about class='first' class='last' or class='selected' set apply_css to false for speed.
} -%>
What I don't get is that there seems to be nowhere to add a span element or anchor tag that would allow me to specify an icon. Where might I find that code? I am aware that my question probably betrays a fundamental lack of understanding in the way Refinery structures it's pages - any resources you could point me to beyond the intro docs would be much appreciated.
render :partial => '/refinery/menu_branch',
calls another partial wherein the list items are specified