I've implemented some python code to run search on whoosh using BM25 and all went out ok, but now that I'm trying to change scoring mechanism to Cosine, I'm getting this error:
File "TFIDF.py", line 18, in tfidf with ix.searcher(weighting=whoosh.scoring.Cosine()) as searcher: AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'Cosine'
If I import Cosine
from whoosh.scoring import Cosine
I get this:
File "TFIDF.py", line 4, in <module>
from whoosh.scoring import Cosine
ImportError: cannot import name Cosine
My code is below:
import whoosh
from whoosh.scoring import Cosine
from whoosh.fields import *
from whoosh.scoring import *
from whoosh.qparser import *
from whoosh.query import *
from whoosh.index import open_dir
#Index path
lab3dir= "../lab3/Aula3_1/"
ix = open_dir(lab3dir + "indexdir") #Index generated in previous lab
def cosine(queryTerms):
dict={} # dict com ID do doc e Similiaridade
with ix.searcher(weighting=whoosh.scoring.Cosine()) as searcher:
query = QueryParser("content", ix.schema, group=OrGroup).parse(u(queryTerms))
results = searcher.search(query, limit=100)
for i,r in enumerate(results):
print r, results.score(i)
dict[r["id"]]= results.score(i)
return dict
Any ideias???
Thank you!
The documentation on http://pythonhosted.org/Whoosh/searching.html#the-searcher-object, which I assume is what you're looking at is incorrect as you have found. Look at the documentation (http://pythonhosted.org/Whoosh/api/scoring.html#module-whoosh.scoring) or the source code (https://bitbucket.org/mchaput/whoosh/src/362fc2999c8cabc51370f433de7402fafd536ec6/src/whoosh/scoring.py?at=default) for the options actually available.