I am using XElement to search a XML document that a user selects through openfiledialog.
Here is the code:
private void dothis()
string query;
XElement xml = XElement.Load(path);
XNamespace ns = xml.GetDefaultNamespace();
IEnumerable<XElement> symptoms =
from item in xml.Descendants(ns + "section")
where (string) item.Element(ns + "text") == queryString.Text
select item;
// Execute the query
foreach (var complaints in symptoms)
// Instantiate the writer
_writer = new TextBoxStreamWriter(txtConsole);
// Redirect the out Console stream
//Pause the application
I want to make the query that is based on queryString.text be a wildcard.
So the text field might contain Confusion, Nausea, Headache
If I just type confusion into my queryString text box, then I want it still to located that element and node.
Thank you
So it sounds like all you want is:
where item.Element(ns + text).Value.Contains(queryString.Text)
Would that work for you?