I'm need of some way of finding the UNC Path of a share via a script or command line or even a custom created program. I'm trying to automate deletion of users and the setup is a bit complicated.
Home folders are set up like this:
We create a folder on a Disk on a fileserver. When this folder is created, a share is automatically created on a lower level Then the DFS Links are set up towards the newly created share.
Now, when deleting a user, I could just delete the DFS Folder, meaning that the target folder is the one being deleted. But since it's a share, that cannot happen.
SO, I need to find out where this share is actually pointing at and then programtically delete THAT folder.
Any idea?
Here is a post on enumerating the shares on a given host using C#.
It uses the Win32_Share WMI class, which has the disk path of the share as one of its properties. It might be possible to use that class to search for a particular share, given a UNC path. Or if you knew the name of the share you can simply loop through the enumeration results until you find it.