I am changing the page with this method
$.mobile.changePage("Preview.html", {
transition : "slide",
role : "page",
this is how my preview page looks like
<div data-role="page" data-name="preview" class="prew">
<div data-role="content">
now when i touch the screen i have to go back to previous page.
so i created this function
$('.prew').live('tap', function() {
history.go(-1);//<--this works in simulator not in device.
//window.history.back() ;//<--this also works in simulator not on device.
//navigator.app.backHistory();<--this works fine on android not on iOS.
edit: i have used a plugin called photoswipe which causes the issue . the history.go(-1),history.back() or data-rel="back" works fine on other pages.
photoswipe is preventing from getting back to previous page.
Here is a method you could use. However, pages should have a unique ID in order to have this working.
$('.prew').on('tap', function() {
// get the ID of the previous page
var previous = '#' + $.mobile.activePage.prev('div[data-role="page"]')[0].id;
// move to previous page with reverse effect
$.mobile.changePage(previous, {
transition: 'slide',
reverse: true