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fatal: 'origin' does not appear to be a git repository

I've a repository moodle on my Github account which I forked from the official repository.

I then cloned it on my local machine. It worked fine. I created several branches (under the master branch). I made several commits and it worked fine.

I don't know how I'm getting the following error when I do : git push origin master

fatal: 'origin' does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

How do I resolve the error without effecting my repository on Github?

I'm using Ubuntu 12.10

The contents of my .git/config after doing cat $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)/.git/config gives:

    repositoryformatversion = 0
    filemode = true
    bare = false
    logallrefupdates = true
[branch "master"]
[branch "MOODLE_23_STABLE"]
[branch "MOODLE_24_STABLE"]
[remote "upstream"]
    url = git://
    fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/upstream/*


  • $HOME/.gitconfig is your global config for git.
    There are three levels of config files.

     cat $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)/.git/config

    (mentioned by bereal) is your local config, local to the repo you have cloned.

    you can also type from within your repo:

    git remote -v

    And see if there is any remote named 'origin' listed in it.

    If not, if that remote (which is created by default when cloning a repo) is missing, you can add it again:

    git remote add origin url/to/your/fork

    The OP mentions:

    Doing git remote -v gives:

    upstream git:// (fetch) 
    upstream git:// (push)

    So 'origin' is missing: the reference to your fork.
    See "What is the difference between origin and upstream in github"

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