i have my sql server database and i used "generate persistence mapping" in intellij to get my java classes, but the relationships defined on my sql server database were not mapped, it seems i can add them with the "add relationship" but i have a lot of tables with a lot of relationships so it is a pain in the ass to do it...
is there something that can map the database including the relationships? for example if i have a table user with a defined relationship of type one to many with a table potatoes, get a java class like this :
public class user{
private int iduser;
private String name;
private String password;
private ArrayList<Potatoes>potatoes; //this is mapped like "private int id_potatoes" by intillij
public user(){}
//getters and setters
i´m using open JPA. amd i also can't find a way to auto generate DAO's with some basic methods (save, find, delete), i will have to code them myself!!! and im talking of atleast 40 tables!! it is ridiculous!!
i know there MUST be a way to do all this stuff automatically. oh, im using jsf 2, i dont know if that is relevant to this question anyway.
when you generate persistence mapping, just check the below box option
匚 Show default relationships
by this to generate , you will get the table relationships you want. Hope to help you :)