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In HAproxy my websocket connection close after 50 seconds. How to change it?

I'm using Haproxy with tornado for websocket. My connection working fine if i directly connect to tornado but if i use HAproxy with below config then connection closed after 50 seconds. My Haproxy config file is below.

        maxconn 4032
        pidfile /var/run/

        mode http
        timeout connect 5000ms
        timeout client 50000ms
        timeout server 50000ms
        option  http-server-close
        maxconn 4032

    frontend http-in
        bind *:80
        acl is_websocket hdr_end(host) -i WebSocket
        use_backend servers if is_websocket
        default_backend servers
        option  redispatch
        option  http-server-close
        maxconn  2000
        contimeout  500000
        clitimeout  500000
        srvtimeout  500000
        contimeout  500000        
        timeout contimeout  500000 
        timeout connect  500000

    backend servers
        server server1 maxconn 4032

Now by using above config my websocket connection automatically lost after 50 seconds. I want to do persistent connection so is there is any way to make connection persistent in HAproxy ?


  • I found answer,

    I changed timeout connect 0ms, timeout client 0ms, timeout server 0ms in defaults section then my connection is persistent connection because if i give value 0 then it will be infinite connection timeout value.

    My final working config is below,

            maxconn 4032
            pidfile /var/run/
            mode http
            timeout connect 0ms
            timeout client 0ms
            timeout server 0ms
            option  http-server-close
            maxconn 4032
        frontend http-in
            bind *:80
            acl is_websocket hdr_end(host) -i WebSocket
            use_backend servers if is_websocket
            default_backend servers
            option  redispatch
            option  http-server-close
            maxconn  2000
            contimeout  500000
            clitimeout  500000
            srvtimeout  500000
            contimeout  500000        
            timeout contimeout  500000 
            timeout connect  500000
            timeout client  500000
        backend servers
            server server1 maxconn 4032