Given the following simple use of Boost.Program_Options:
boost::program_options::options_description options("Options");
("my_bool_flag,b", boost::program_options::value<bool>(), "Sample boolean switch)")
... what command-line arguments will evaluate to false
, and what to true
(I.e., assume the program is named "foo", and executed on the command line as:
foo -b ?
... with the question mark a placeholder for some other text: What are all possible text options that will properly evaluate to false
, and what to true
Looking at $(BOOST_ROOT)/libs/program_options/src/value_semantic.cpp you can find:
/* Validates bool value.
Any of "1", "true", "yes", "on" will be converted to "1".<br>
Any of "0", "false", "no", "off" will be converted to "0".<br>
Case is ignored. The 'xs' vector can either be empty, in which
case the value is 'true', or can contain explicit value.
BOOST_PROGRAM_OPTIONS_DECL void validate(any& v, const vector<string>& xs,
bool*, int)
string s(get_single_string(xs, true));
for (size_t i = 0; i < s.size(); ++i)
s[i] = char(tolower(s[i]));
if (s.empty() || s == "on" || s == "yes" || s == "1" || s == "true")
v = any(true);
else if (s == "off" || s == "no" || s == "0" || s == "false")
v = any(false);