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How to do Target System Requirements test before VS 2010 Setup projects c#

I have an application that needs to use Oracle 32bit version. I understand, I can add this as prerequisite and if it's not already installed on Target machine, it will be downloaded and installed its done.

Actually My Requirement is " I need to do system performance test like ram size, processor speed, Mouse Availability, keyboard Availability, printer Availability, system maximum screen resolutions support..etc."

Is there any possibility that i test all information before setup?

I'm new to Deploy a project could you please tell me where to start?


  • I am not sure how you can use these individual functions , but here are the functions to check different thing :

            //Get system RAM
            private double GetSystemRam()
                var searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("Select * From Win32_ComputerSystem");
                double total_Ram_Bytes = 0;
                foreach (ManagementObject Mobject in searcher.Get())
                    total_Ram_Bytes = (Convert.ToDouble(Mobject["TotalPhysicalMemory"]));
                    Console.WriteLine("RAM Size in Giga Bytes: {0}", total_Ram_Bytes / 1073741824);
                return total_Ram_Bytes;
            //Get system processor speed
            private int GetprocessorSpeed()
                var searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("select MaxClockSpeed from Win32_Processor");
                int processorSpeed = 0;
                foreach (var item in searcher.Get())
                    processorSpeed = Convert.ToInt32(item["MaxClockSpeed"]);
                    Console.WriteLine("Processor Speed is(GHz):" + processorSpeed);
                return processorSpeed;
            //Get system maximum resolution
            private void GetMaxResolution()
                using (var searcher = new System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM CIM_VideoControllerResolution"))
                    var results = searcher.Get();
                    UInt32 maxHResolution = 0;
                    UInt32 maxVResolution = 0;
                    foreach (var item in results)
                        if ((UInt32)item["HorizontalResolution"] > maxHResolution)
                            maxHResolution = (UInt32)item["HorizontalResolution"];
                        if ((UInt32)item["VerticalResolution"] > maxVResolution)
                            maxVResolution = (UInt32)item["VerticalResolution"];
                    Console.WriteLine("Max Supported Resolution " + maxHResolution + "x" + maxVResolution);
            //Check for availability of keyboard 
            private bool IsKeyboardAvailable()
                bool isKeyboardAvailable = false;
                var searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("select * from Win32_Keyboard");
                List<string> keyBoardName = new List<string>();
                foreach (var item in searcher.Get())
                    Console.WriteLine("KeyBoard name is :" + item["Name"]);
                    isKeyboardAvailable = true;
                return isKeyboardAvailable;
            //Check for availability of printer
            private bool IsPrinterAvailable()
                bool isPrinterAvailable = false;
                var searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("Select * from Win32_Printer");
                List<string> printerName = new List<string>();
                foreach (var item in searcher.Get())
                    Console.WriteLine("Printer name is :" + item["Name"]);
                    isPrinterAvailable = true;
                return isPrinterAvailable;
            //Check for availability of mouse
            private bool IsMouseAvailable()
                bool isMouseAvailable = false;
                var searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("Select * from Win32_PointingDevice");
                List<string> mouseType = new List<string>();
                foreach (var item in searcher.Get())
                    Console.WriteLine("Mouse type is :" + item["Name"]);
                    isMouseAvailable = true;
                return isMouseAvailable;

    NOTE: I am just use Console.WriteLine so you can see the values and also using LIST so if you want you can further use that items.

    Also read some articles like How To Get Hardware Information (CPU ID, MainBoard Info, Hard Disk Serial, System Information , ...)