I'm using the rails-api gem to build a web service and want to test my API with RSpec. Every request I make, regardless of the HTTP method has the CONTENT_TYPE
header set as "application/x-www-form-urlencoded". This isn't really a problem until I try to use wrap_parameters in my controller and it's not have any affect on the params hash:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::API
include ActionController::ParamsWrapper
class ProjectsController < ApplicationController
wrap_parameters :project, include: [:name]
# ...
This hack no longer works (@request is nil), and none of the other Stack Overflow posts I found work either.
If I make the following request in my RSpec test:
put "/projects/1.json", {name: 'Updated Project 1'}
and put a debugger in my controller I get:
(rdb:1) p params
{ "name"=>"Updated Project 1",
(rdb:1) p request.content_type
I'm expecting to see something like this for the params hash (note the addition of the project key):
{ "name"=>"Updated Project 1",
"project" => {"name" => "Updated Project 1"}
Is it possible to set the content type header using just RSpec? Or do I have have to use rack/test for this functionality?
A lot of frustration and variations and that's what worked for me. Rails 3.2.12 Rspec 2.10
@request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = "application/json"
@request.env["CONTENT_TYPE"] = "application/json"
put :update, :id => 1, "email" => "bing@test.com"
wrap_parameters seems to be working declared this way
wrap_parameters User, format: :json
being used for User