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jQuery UI Tooltip only shown once when tabbing through using keyboard

I've created a tooltip using jquery ui, but when I navigate using keyboard, the tooltip content only appears once and never again.

Any ideas why this would happen?

    tooltipClass: "tip-style",
    position: {
        my: "left center",
        at: "right center"
    content: function() {
        return $('#tip-content').html();

My working example:


  • I think it is because the tooltip documentation says the content: method should be a callback or a string

    Multiple types supported:

    Function: A callback which can either return the content directly, 
              or call the first argument, passing in the content, e.g., 
              for Ajax content.
    String: A string of HTML to use for the tooltip content.

    I edited your code by creating a named function and referencing it in the content method. And it seems to work as expected.