What is the best way to take the cross product of each corresponding row between two arrays? For example:
a = 20x3 array
b = 20x3 array
c = 20x3 array = some_cross_function(a, b) where:
c[0] = np.cross(a[0], b[0])
c[1] = np.cross(a[1], b[1])
c[2] = np.cross(a[2], b[2])
I know this can be done with a simple python loop or using numpy's apply_along_axis, but I'm wondering if there is any good way to do this entirely within the underlying C code of numpy. I currently use a simple loop, but this is by far the slowest part of my code (my actual arrays are tens of thousands of rows long).
I'm probably going to have to delete this answer in a few minutes when I realize my mistake, but doesn't the obvious thing work?
>>> a = np.random.random((20,3))
>>> b = np.random.random((20,3))
>>> c = np.cross(a,b)
>>> c[0], np.cross(a[0], b[0])
(array([-0.02469147, 0.52341148, -0.65514102]), array([-0.02469147, 0.52341148, -0.65514102]))
>>> c[1], np.cross(a[1], b[1])
(array([-0.0733347 , -0.32691093, 0.40987079]), array([-0.0733347 , -0.32691093, 0.40987079]))
>>> all((c[i] == np.cross(a[i], b[i])).all() for i in range(len(c)))