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GXT ComboBox unselect after selection

I have a GXT ComboBox which is bound to a ListStore and has a addSelectionHandler that is called which is working fine. I have also used the combo.setEmptyText("Select an item..").

But, when the user makes a selection I'd like to have the ComboBox return to its' "no selection" state. How can I have it return to show the "Select an item.."?

StProperties props = GWT.create(StProperties.class);
ListStore<St> sts = new ListStore<St>(;

combo = new ComboBox<St>(sts,;

combo.addSelectionHandler(new SelectionHandler<T>() {

    public void onSelection(SelectionEvent<T> event) {
        System.out.println("value selected:"+event.getSelectedItem());
        // handle selection
        // unselect item in combo here ---



  • It appears there is presently a bug in GXT 3 around this issue, as reported at, present as of GXT 3.0.4. As reported in that bug, it seems that you can call first setValue(null), followed by redraw(true) then setText(null) on the field.

    This also happens to a few other fields - based on the details of the report it seems probable that the bug is in TriggerField itself, so this workaround may be required for all subclasses.