Recently I posted a question here on stackoverflow Time complexity issues with multimap and I got some great answers which referred me to the use of heaps, which oddly I hadn't used at all before now. I created a new program re-written with the use of a minheap and a maxheap. It worked great in that it was a lot faster than any of the other programs I had implemented for this problem. The only problem was it was throwing out some wrong answers occasionally. I went back and did a lot of debugging. I realized that the problem was in the organization of my heap. It wasn't being sorted and distributed like I thought it would be with the use push_heap and the pop_heap with the comparison operations. Also, when I would try running the program on Visual Studio, I would end up seeing a lot of the assertion errors being thrown out there. I tried reading up more on heaps and their methods at and I think I maybe am not understanding something correctly and therefore am running into further problems.
first thing that is confusing me is push_heap. The way I understand it is this: push_heap has two arguments and by default it pushes the least value to position last-1. It only does this if the first argument is less than the second argument, otherwise it stays the same. it basically maintains the order of a normal heap. The third optional argument is a comparison operator, which can be used as greater() which then pushes the greater element to the last-1 position.
What doesn't make sense is if I have a dynamic insertion or deletion of numbers going on in a vector, I have issues keeping this order. If I wanted the vector to be in ascending order I would use the greater operation to keep pushing the heap so that the values would be ascending. But it is confusing when you first look at the push_heap method because it appears a lot like some of the other algorithm functions which perform in a range of numbers like for instance:
std::unique (myvector.begin(), myvector.end(), myfunction);
which push_heap does not do. it does not do this comparison operation on all the numbers in the range of the vector, which I didn't understand at first.
After finding that push_heap wasn't really keeping my vector sorted, and I had to keep my vector sorted in order to use a binary search. I used sort_heap, but that slowed down the program to where it wasn't fast enough.
Also, I find that sometimes push_heap will throw an invalid heap error in strange occasions.
like for example:
push_heap(v.begin(), v.end(), greater<int>());
with a vector of 755, 98, 55, 22
you would see after the push_heap:
22, 98, 55, 755
but let's say that you had 22, 98, 55 ,755
usually it will just move on without performing any push because of the false return on comparison. this is to be expected.
but sometimes I will try push_heap on:
887, 52, 44, 22
and it will say
'invalid heap'
or if I try: 22, 52, 44, 887, instead of just returning false and moving on it will break with
'invalid heap'
this also happens sometimes with pop_heap.
Why am I getting invalid heap? is it because all heaps have to be in descending order?
EDIT: I found this on, which I guess answers one question:
The element with the highest value is always pointed by first. The order of the other elements depends on the particular implementation, but it is consistent throughout all heap-related functions of this header.
... push_heap has two arguments and by default it pushes the least value to position last-1. It only does this if the first argument is less than the second argument, otherwise it stays the same.
Nope. If your storage is a vector v
, and is currently a heap (as created with make_heap
), you should call
push_heap(v.begin(), v.end());
to add a new item. See for example here or here.
Consider that push_heap
really takes the range [begin, end-1)
(which is required to fulfil the heap invariant already) and the appended element at end-1
(which may not), and moves up the last element until the heap invariant is restored for all of [begin, end)
. The algorithm is explained here.
After finding that push_heap wasn't really keeping my vector sorted ...
Heaps are not sorted. They have an ordering constraint (the heap property) which is specifically and deliberately weaker than being fully sorted.
If you want to perform a binary search, you need a fully-sorted container, and converting your heap to one using sort_heap
each time is both slow and destructive: your container isn't a heap any more after you call this, and you can't use it as one.
Now, about your edit: heaps do not have to be in descending order. A max-heap is in descending order (with the largest element at the front), and a min-heap is in ascending order (with the smallest element at the front).
The default in the standard library is to build a min-heap, using operator<
for comparison. To build a max-heap instead, you just pass std::greater<int>
or whatever for the (optional) final argument.