I have a web flow defined with 4 steps in it. I have also spring security configured properly.
In the last step, I need to save the user's order which requires a user account. Therefore, I need to ensure the user is logged in before the last step is executed. So what I want is: - users that are already logged will smoothly move to the last step - users that are not logged in, will have to go to our register/ login page after which they will be redirected back to continue the flow.
Note: the first steps do NOT require to be logged in (or registered). Only the last step.
How do I redirect back to the last step after login/ register?
Figured it out for login. Just add:
<secured attributes="ROLE_USER" />
To the flow element you want to secure. See Spring WebFlow Doc
I have not solved it for register yet. As we need to re-enter the flow. Any ideas?