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Combining postgres_ext (or Rails 4) arrays with associations

I'm trying to develop a many-to-many relationship between tags (in the tags table) and items (in the items table) using a field of type integer[] on each item.

I know that Rails 4 (and Rails 3 via postgres_ext) has support for Postgres' arrays feature through the :array => true parameter, but I can't figure out how to combine them with Active Record associations.

Does has_many have an option for this? Is there a gem for this? Should I give up and just create a has_many :through relationship (though with the amount of relations I'm expecting this is probably unmanageable)?


  • All you really need to do is

    def tags
      Tag.where(id: tag_ids)
    def add_tag(tag)
      self.tag_ids += [] unless tag_ids.include?(

    At least that's what I do at the moment. I do some pretty cool stuff with hashes (hstore) as well with permissions. One way of handling tags is to create the has_many through and persist the tags in a string array column as they are added for convenience and performance (not having to query the 2 related tables just to get the names out). I you don't necessarily have to use active record to do cool stuff with the database.