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Does upgrading PixelSense to Windows 8 loses features?

By default, the operative system of the PixelSense SUR40 is Win 7 PixelSense specs

I am thinking on upgrading (or dual boot) the PixelSense table to Windows 8 in order to take fully advantage of the .Net Framework 4.5 features such as WebSockets (with SignalR).

Has anyone performed that upgrade? If so, is there any lost of features I should be aware? Some examples I am afraid of losing are:

  • The surface mode.
  • The calibration and management tools.
  • Surface "debugging" mode.
  • SDK based functionality: Tags, Blobs and native PixelSense touch overall (orientation, etc)

Thank you so much in advance!

EDIT: I found a piece of my answer thanks to Gian Paolo Santopaolo here Good enough to know that:

  • Surface input (tags, blobs, orientation) would not be supported,
  • Nor would the default Kiosk mode (you can get something similar to Kiosk mode by changing the proper Windows configuration, reg keys, etc)
  • Nor the surface shell.

If you know about anything else that you consider relevant that would be missing, please post it! (y)


  • I've updated it. you can read about it here.

    I’ve to advice that if you are going to try to do this, Windows 8 on SUR40 is totally unsupported, and there is an high risk that you will fail and the result will be a broken SUR40 so if you decide to do it you will to at your own risk, my advice is not to try it, I did it only for testing purpose

    hth Gian Paolo