Search code examples

date in where clause --- org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QuerySyntaxException: unexpected token: Mar

I have date column in TrainSeat table. I want to retrieve the data using where clause.In where claue, the date condition is specified.

Seats=(ArrayList<TrainSeat>)session.createQuery("from TrainSeat t where t.train.TrainNumber="+TrainNum+"and"+date+"").list();

here 'date' is instance of Date datatype

This statements gives following errors

org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QuerySyntaxException: unexpected token: Mar near line 1, column 80 [from org.irctc.admin.TrainSeat t where t.train.TrainNumber=11007and Mar 27 00:00:00 IST 2013]


  • Your date is converting in to String there.You can pass date as a parameter there.

    Try like this

    String hql = "from TrainSeat t where t.train.TrainNumber=? and";
    List result = session.createQuery(hql)
    .setString(0, TrainNum)