How to I get the parameter value passed in
For Example
__doPostBack('<%=upSubAccount.ClientID %>',true);
I want to get the second parameter in endrequest() handler, here
//wire the End Request process,
//will be called after the async request completes.
function requestComplete_Handler(sender, args)
var panel =;
switch (panel)
case "<%=upSubAccount.ClientID %>":
__doPostBack('<%=upAllocationChart.ClientID %>');
The second argument is the event argument.
It is not stored by the framework.
However you can easily store it in a variable of your own and access it later.
You only need to replace the __doPostBack
with your own function.
var orignalDoPostback = __doPostBack;
var lastEventArgument = "";
__doPostBack = function(eventTarget, eventArgument)
lastEventArgument = eventArgument;
orignalDoPostback(eventTarget, eventArgument);
Then you can use it as required.