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Can't get to wysihtml5 text area in colorBox after the box has been closed and reopened

I have a wysiHtml5 text area on a popup which is shown via a colorbox:

                inline: true,
                href: "#popup",
                scrolling: false,
                onLoad: function() {
                onCleanup: function () {

                onClosed: function () {
                    editor = null;
                onComplete: function () {

                    var editor = new wysihtml5.Editor("wysiwygText", { // id of textarea element
                        toolbar: "wysihtml5-toolbar", // id of toolbar element
                        parserRules: wysihtml5ParserRules, // defined in parser rules set 
                        stylesheets: ["Styles/wysihtml5.css", "Styles/wysihtml5.css"]


The editor works fine the first time the colorbox pops up. But if it is closed and reopened, the user can not click into the editor.

I wonder if it is to do with me trying to recreate the editor object? The trouble is, if I create it before the colorbox is launched, the editor gets "broken" when the colorbox launches. (i.e. if I set #popup to be visible, I can edit it when the page loads, but when I launch the color box, I again can't edit the content.

The behaviour is that I can see the text area, but I can't "click into" it.


  • This might not help you but I had a problem like this.. I had to create the editor after the element was set to a dialog.

                            width: 737

    The only issue is duplication of the wysihtml5 editor with concurrent openings of the dialog. I'll post again when I fix that.

    Edit: I probably should take the time to go through the wysihtml5 code to really understand whats going on, but I cant spend too much time on it now. I noticed that the editor was creating dom elements each time wysihtml5() was invoked. This was making duplicated elements, so the idea is to use a container element and create its inner contents when the dialog is opened, and destroy its inner contents when the dialog is closed. On a side note, I really hate it when programmers don't document their designs.

    //button click event
                 width: 737,
                 open: function(event, ui){
                      //create inner html
                      $(this).html("<form><textarea id=\"wysihtml5-textarea\" \
                      placeholder=\"Enter your text ...\" \
                 close: function(event, ui){
                      //remove inner html
              //older version of jQuery aliased to $1_7_2
                   //invoke the editor