So, I'm creating a website in Dreamweaver (class is all about Dreamweaver) and I am stumped on one last part of the layout for my page.
I currently have a "View Cart" button at the top right of my page, and to the left of it was all white space, so I decided to put a 768x15 ad right there. However, if I put the ad in the same group as the cart, it will also align right, and just to the left of the "View Cart". If I put the ad above the View Cart, there's a line wrap thus leaving more empty space, and same with after.
My simple question: Is there any way to get the ad and my "View Cart" button on the same line without the ad being aligned to the right hand side of the page?
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<article id="art1"><h1>home</h1>
<p>greetings! content of article one goes here! paragraphs are here. greetings! content of article one goes here! paragraphs are here. greetings! content of article one goes here! paragraphs are here. greetings! content of article one goes here! paragraphs are here. greetings! content of article one goes here! paragraphs are here. greetings! content of article one goes here! paragraphs are here.</p>
<article id="art2"><h1>article numero dos</h1>
<p>lorem ipsum article 2 blah blah info. lorem ipsum article 2 blah blah info. lorem ipsum article 2 blah blah info. lorem ipsum article 2 blah blah info. lorem ipsum article 2 blah blah info. lorem ipsum article 2 blah blah info. </p>
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and my css
#bodyformat #logincart {
text-align: right;
#bodyformat #logincart a {
color: #4212af;
background-color: #ffda00;
text-decoration: none;
padding-left: 5px;
padding-right: 5px;
Try using a float instead of a text-align.
#bodyformat #logincart {
float: right;
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