How can one detect when a drag is happening or a swipe on the track-pad or magic-mouse is occurring in a Mac OSX app being made in Xcode.
By drag I mean the user has clicked on the left or right edge of the window and the mouse is held down and now moving away from that side-of-the-window horizontally.
I am trying to run code on left drag or right swipe (on magic-mouse or track-pad) and another set of code on right drag or left swipe (on magic-mouse or track-pad).
Here are some definitions of the gestures that I am talking about:
A left drag is when the right side of the window is clicked and held on and the cursor moves to the left.
A right drag is when the left side of the window is clicked and held on and the cursor moves to the right.
A top drag is when the top on the window, under the frame / where the traffic-lights are, is being dragged down.
A top swipe is a swipe that starts on the top of the track-pad or magic-mouse and goes down.
In pseudo-code what I am trying to achieve is like:
if( right-drag || left-swipe ){
/*run code*/
else if( left-drag || right-swipe ){
/* run different code */
else if( top-drag || top-swipe ){
/* run other code */
/* do nothing */
Especially the part on Handling Gesture Events.
They tell you how to deal with:
and more...
In particular the method:
- (void)swipeWithEvent:(NSEvent *)event
from NSResponder is your best bet. T*his event informs the receiver that the user has begun a swipe gesture. The event will be sent to the view under the touch in the key window.*
Taken from the same document, below is an example on how to Handle s swipe gesture:
- (void)swipeWithEvent:(NSEvent *)event {
CGFloat x = [event deltaX];
CGFloat y = [event deltaY];
if (x != 0) {
swipeColorValue = (x > 0) ? SwipeLeftGreen : SwipeRightBlue;
if (y != 0) {
swipeColorValue = (y > 0) ? SwipeUpRed : SwipeDownYellow;
NSString *direction;
switch (swipeColorValue) {
case SwipeLeftGreen:
direction = @"left";
case SwipeRightBlue:
direction = @"right";
case SwipeUpRed:
direction = @"up";
case SwipeDownYellow:
direction = @"down";
[resultsField setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Swipe %@", direction]];
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES];